What's For Dinner?

It's black beans that have been cooked with pork and are served with rice--very similiar to some Southern dishes in the U.S. One day, I had it with fish instead of pork, and it added a different element to the dish that I wasn't expecting, but was still quite delicious. Many of the seafood dishes are drenched in olive oil, but they still taste incredible. Because of so many Italian immigrants migrating to Brazil in the early 1900s, there are many Italian restuarants with traditional pasta dishes, yet the pizza here is very unique. It's very creamy and airy, unlike the more cheesy and dense pizza served in the United States.

How did I feel when I tried it?:

I always enjoy trying new foods to see what I can add to my list of dishes to try and cook on my own. Most of the food I have tried has been amazing, like the different salgodos. However, some dishes, like the tapicoas, weren't my favorite since they were very dry and brittle. However, whenever I ate new and different dishes, I felt I was bonding more with the local communities and people who ate this food regularly. It was interesting to see my body react to the new cuisine: for example, would I get hungrier sooner than I usually did? Would the meals be more filling? The portions were always very generous, so I had enough food for later or even the next day. However, although the food portions were large, the beverages were always significantly smaller than what I was used to getting in the United States.

How is the food prepared?:

Most of the meats were fried with a flour base, but often times, many dishes are boiled for a couple of hours or so, like the beans for feijoada. Most of the salgodos are fried as well.
