My name is Madison Koenig, and I am 22 years old. I am from a small southern town in Indiana called Sandborn. I also attended a school called White River Valley where I graduated with less than 60 classmates in 2020. Though the school and community was quite compact, I made many connections and was provided with numerous opportunities that I still grateful for today. White River Valley offered a great deal of resources to ensure the success of students, such as experienced teachers, prestigious course offerings, several career pathway options, and programs that aided students with mental and physical heatlh. The school was small, but the possibilities were endless, and I am fortunate I was able to attend a public school that cared so much for it's students. I found that I particularly enjoyed being in the Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) classroom as I made my way through high school. My FCS teacher, Mrs. Misner, positively encouraged me to further my education and work towards an FCS Education degree. I took her advice and followed my heart to study at Purdue University where I am currently working on that degree.
Ever since I entered college, I knew I wanted to study abroad, but I wanted my journey to aid me in my own classroom.