I've been in Mongolia for three months now! Learn about some of my daily activities, including my trip to see the horsemen of Khentii province!

Join me on my journey to Mongolia! I am living in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia for one year to teach English and to learn about the health and educational needs in this country.
I've been in Mongolia for three months now! Learn about some of my daily activities, including my trip to see the horsemen of Khentii province!
Our journey is ending, but it has never-ending future potential! Travel stays with you long after you return home. Are you interested in practicing open-mindedness? Read my article for some ideas.
Did you know that a large segment of Ulaanbaatar's population lives in informal settlements called ger districts? Let's learn about some of the challenges these districts face.
I've shown you many pictures of the desolate countryside, but Ulaanbaatar is a big, congested, populous city with plenty of people, stores, and cars. Take a look!