Hello, friends! My name is Mallika, and over the next few months, I will be sharing my experiences in Mongolia with you.
I grew up in the small, peaceful New England state of New Hampshire. I attended college in Baltimore, Maryland, where I discovered that I love teaching and I love traveling. I decided to combine those passions by spending one year as a Fulbright English Teaching Assistant in Mongolia. Other countries I have traveled to include South Africa, India, Ethiopia, Spain and Belize.
My other hobbies include spending time outside, especially by hiking, camping and rock-climbing. I also enjoy reading, learning different languages and visiting museums and other cultural sites. While I am in Mongolia, I plan to engage in all of these activities. I will also volunteer at the Mongolian Health Initiative, a non-governmental organization that seeks to improve public health in Mongolia.
I am most excited to interact with the local people here and learn about their culture and way of life. I am very fortunate to have met many friendly Mongolians so far. They are helping me get adjusted to their country, which is so very far from home for me!
Of course, traveling is all the more rewarding when you get to share the experience with others. That's why I couldn't be more thrilled to invite you along! I can't wait to share my adventures and answer questions!