During my stay here, I have learned about some of the ways people live off the land. For example, there are many plants and herbs that people use for natural remedies when they don’t have access to more expensive medicines. For example, when I had a bad stomach ache during my first month, one of the teachers suggested that I drink chamomile or mint tea to soothe my stomach, and it worked! I might have gotten better on my own, but I think that in some cases, natural medicine can be just as good as modern medicine. I have included pictures of some plants in the Amazon region that many people use for medicinal or other purposes, so take a look!
Ecuador is one of the most biodiverse countries in the world, meaning that there is a wider variety of plant and animal species here than in almost any other country. This is just one reason why the Ecuadorian people are proud of their country and why many tourists love visiting. However, like many countries around the world, Ecuador is facing problems with its growing population and economy. These things include pollution, deforestation and also threats to animal and plant life. The government has been taking action against pollution, such as placing different types of recycling bins in public areas. However, there is still much work to do to ensure that Ecuador doesn’t lose its biodiversity, one of the many things that makes this country so special to me and many others.