The Many Spaces of Hong Kong

What challenges do people face living in this environment?:

Hong Kong in general is going through many changes at the moment. Hong Kong was previously a British territory and in the 1990s it was granted a period of autonomy before becoming a part of Mainland China. In the past couple of weeks, Hong Kongers have taken to the streets against police brutality, for democracy and to fight for civil rights. Universities, transportation systems, elementary and high schools, New Territories, Kowloon and Hong Kong Island have all been affected by these protests. There are fears about what is going to happen in the future, about whether Hong Kong will be able to become independent or have to become a part of China, but you will still see people going about their daily lives despite the difficulties.

How have people been adapting to this environment?:

Sai Ying Pun is very adaptable, even for me, and is friendly to many foreigners. Although there are language differences and cultural differences, it is still very possible to navigate the environment. The city is very busy but not too crowded and is fairly easy to travel around via Uber, mini buses, light buses, the MTR and the regular bus with two stories. 

Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong SAR, China
