

German kids aren’t that different from American kids, but their school day is very different.

What do you eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner?:

Brötchen, a type of bakery roll, is popular for breakfast, lunch and dinner. These rolls are generally eaten either as a sandwich or cut in half and spread with different toppings, such as cream cheese, deli meats or jam. One boy told me that soft pretzels are his favorite breakfast food. Buttered pretzels are a very popular snack.

What is your house like?:

Most of the students like the houses they live in. Some live in a single-family home with their siblings and parents while others live with extended family as well. Quite a few also live in family apartment buildings. Houses and apartments are closer together in Europe to more efficiently utilize space since there are a lot of people and not much extra space.

What chores do you have at home?:

Most of the students reported being responsible for tidying up their rooms. Some also were in charge of carrying the garbage out on garbage pickup day. Almost none of the kids do their own laundry yet, but many do have to help carry the laundry baskets downstairs. 

What jobs do your parents have?:

Teacher, businessman/woman, taxi driver, cleaning personnel, doctor and lawyer are some of the jobs parents work. 
