Get to Know Laura!

What is your family like?:

"My family is very funny! There are four of us; myself, my mom, dad and older sister, and we love to do things together. My dad is an engineer, my mom is an elementary school teacher and my sister is also studying. She decided to stay in Braunschweig. My family often does crafts together. My mother is a beekeeper and during Christmas time we take the beeswax and make candles. Also during Christmas, we stay at our Omas (Grandma's) vacation home and play games and spend time in the sauna."

How do you get around?:

"I ride my bike the most to get around. When it starts to rain a lot I will usually take the straßenbahn (tram). It is common for people not to have their own car and to mainly use public transportation to get around."

What types of clothing do you like to wear?:

"Right now I am enjoying wearing my jean overalls and looser clothing. Since I am riding my bike to school, I often have a zwiebellook (onion-look) because I have so many layers on and it's cold then hot then cold again! I mostly get my clothes at secondhand shops and clothing exchanges. I think it is important to shop this way in order to take care of the climate."  

What do you like to do in your free time?:

"On the wochenende (weekend), I often visit friends who live in other states. During the week, I like to cook and play games with friends. I also enjoy handarbeit (handicrafts), such as knitting and sewing. On Thursdays, I go to a sewing community workshop to work on different projects." 
