It is amazing to see people fight for their culture and history, working hard to gift it to the next generation so it will live on.
Galicia is famous for its beautiful countryside, with green, rolling hills and mountains as well as its rain. The rain is so common here in Galicia that in the local language of Galician, there are over 70 different words to describe the varieties of rainy weather. A couple examples are the words patiñeira, babuña, torbón, and froallo. Some Galicians even refer to their homeland as onde a choiva é arte, or "where the rain is art". This stereotypical Galician weather is actually very similar to the weather in Great Britain, where the Celts who settled in Galicia came from. The mountains in Northern Spain are also said to have influenced the Celts to settle mainly in the Northern Spanish regions of Galicia and Asturias. And with the Camino de Santiago, the main Christian pilgrimage in the world, winding through Galicia and bringing visitors from all over the world, it is understandable why we see many remnants of Celtic culture here today.