Food is one of my favorite things in the world, I honestly love eating and trying new foods. I grew up in a household where you ate whatever mom made for dinner or you starved… so needless to say I am not a picky eater and will try almost anything once. This makes traveling such a rewarding experience for me, as I get to eat so many new things! However, I do sometimes come across things that do not taste so good.
One food I tried that I did not like was ensalada remolacha/rusa (beetroot salad/Russian salad).
Imagine potato salad from your family barbeque or favorite restaurant. Now mix in some coleslaw, the kind with the mayo base, not the vinegar (it's important, I swear). Sounds interesting, right? But wait, I forgot the most important part: the whole thing is PURPLE!
I can honestly say that when I saw this food on my plate, I was very confused and thought maybe it was some sort of whipped Jell-O desert? I ate around it and saved it for last. Looking back now, I should have realized it was beet-based, but at the time I was just so concerned with why this food was the color of an Easter egg. It was not good. I ate all of it as not to be rude, but I would never voluntarily eat it again. But I also am not a fan of beets... like at all!