Since tele-transportation has not yet been invented, and I don’t have a magic broom to whisk me away swiftly above the clouds, I get to practice the patient art of being present, and I enjoy the ride when I need to move from one place to another. To me, transportation is very rarely a boring experience!
In a city as vast as Buenos Aires, people rely on many different methods of transportation to stay connected, as many of us do not own automobiles. Thankfully, I have many essential places located within my neighborhood, San Telmo, and can reach them by foot. But that is not always the case for everyone. Public transportation is subsidized by the government to ensure that mass mobility is not restricted based on inaccessible fares. That means that the government pays for a portion of the cost it takes to operate the trains, subways and busses. Within the city, people can take taxis, ubers, and other private services. In some neighborhoods, it is possible to temporarily rent fancy scooters to jet about town. All through Latin America, motorcycles play a big role in everyday transportation, and Buenos Aires is no exception. On major avenues, gas fumes mingle with other big city smells. Fortunately for me, Buenos Aires is a pretty bikeable place!