In France, the word for middle school is collège where kids usually attend school from ages 11 to 15. After that age, they go to high school which is called lycèe. While there are many similarities between public middle schools and collèges, like not wearing uniforms, what I think is the most interesting are the differences!
Schools do not typically offer extracurriculars or sports; it is up to parents to find that for their kids if they choose. Grades, even the bad ones, are posted publicly in hallways for everyone to see. Homework is discouraged and many parents are against it. They believe that kids shouldn’t need to do homework if they are taught properly at school. Kids also learn a second and third language at an early age and continue to do so throughout their schooling. Scheduling is a little bit different too; kids in France start school at 8:30 a.m. and leave at approximately 4:30 p.m. and Wednesdays are “short” days when school ends at noon. You may think that eight hours is a long time to be at school, but it makes sense considering that lunch is two hours long! This brings me to my next point, lunchtime where I think the largest differences exist.