Days grow shorter and nights grow longer. In November, we set our clocks back, and towns across the Czech Republic became more and more sleepy as the sun stoops lower and the temperature continues to drop. However, as we approach December, the Czech people have begun to make their own light, flooding the streets with sparkling Christmas decorations to celebrate the advent, the entire month leading up to the 25th of December. The town square is decorated for the season, homes are glittering with strings of lights and compassion is aglow in the hearts of the people as community organizations and companies collect canned food and warm clothing for food drives.
In Lanškroun in particular, there is a strong admiration for the elderly population, which needs support each year, especially after individuals have entered retirement or have become disabled. Without an income, people can struggle to meet their needs for food, clothing and medical care if their savings are exhausted. These issues are important to the Czech people, who care for their older family members.