A good education in a variety of subjects is highly valued around the world. More and more often, one of these subjects needs to be a second language. In Russia, as in many other countries, the foreign language of choice is English.
Just like in the United States, one of the biggest community needs is education. Because I work and take classes in a university, I have been able to learn about this need by asking questions of my colleagues, students and professors.
Omsk is a city of over 1 million people and is also the largest city in the region. This means that most of the education infrastructure and almost all of the universities are located in the city. All of the people in the city and in the region are required to attend school until they are 17. (School finishes one year earlier than it does in the United States). Many of the people in the city and region then go to college for two-to-five years. One of the needs connected to education is the need for English speakers. Many people want to learn English either to travel or to use in their work, but there are not a lot of people that speak the language.