My friend, Nilu, was born in Sri Lanka but has lived in Australia since she was very young. Her family can be considered immigrants. Immigrants are people who travel to live in another country permanently. I interviewed Nilu to find out more about what's it's like to grow up and live in Australia. Read on to find out more!
My full name is L P Nilu Fernando.
I live in Melbourne with my parents. We have a four-bedroom house that is about a 45-minute drive from the city center. It is nice to be close to the city while enjoying the privacy that the suburbs offer.
I have one older brother and I would say our family is a bit crazy. We can be quite loud and giggly at celebrations. During typical weeks, my brother and I work out at the gym a lot together. It's nice to spend time with him and encourage each other to push towards our goals.
I love driving so I mainly get around using my car. Sometimes when I'm in the city looking to get around my college campus, I will use public transportation. The trams and buses are a nice way to get around quickly since traffic can be quite bad in the city.