A five hour drive away from Buenos Aires’ hustle and bustle towards the Southeastern coast takes us to a small beach town called Chapadmalal. Whether visiting a place for a short while or living there for a long while, we are all citizens of this big, beautiful Earth. If we love it, we must take care of it! Here, that means fighting to keep oil companies out of these waters.
Mother Nature painted up a wild combination of floral countryside and vast silver seas, bordered by massive red cliffs. The Patagonian winds come swirling up the coastline from the South, bringing a year round coolness, and the Atlantic Ocean boasts waves that would make any surfer’s heart swell.
I wish I had the super-power of saving certain smells in my lungs. Like a long term reserve, I could then summon up the smell whenever I chose to! In this case, I would store up plenty of the good air in Chapadmalal. The seafoamy scent filters past the sand dunes and into the forests, through the eucalyptus trees and mixes with the lavender bushes, washing over all the diversity of plants and wildlife in the area. Without all the light pollution of a big city, the night sky’s blanket of stars is visible, and you can actually see the moon rising out of the sea.