Imagine walking into your friend's house, or your own home, and everytime there is someone there to greet you with atay (tea) and Khoubz (bread) to dip into local zit (olive oil), all made here! Amazing, right? And you get to spend time together with your friend and the family and have your drink and a snack and catch up on your life. How are you? How is your family? How is your health? Your time together is like that every time. And just wait till you hear about Fridays!
Fridays are an important day here in Morocco. Did you know that Morocco is a Muslim country? Do you know what that means, to be a "Muslim Country"? It means that the religion of Islam is at the forefront of everything Moroccans do. So, for example, on Friday, the most religious day (similar to Sunday for Christians) we all eat skso, or couscous. Have you ever had couscous? I love skso so much. Even more, though, what I really love is how special the day feels. Everyone comes home from work and school to eat couscous together.