Because Tuesdays are so long, after school I like to exercise a little bit with my P.E. LETs! At 4:00 p.m. on Tuesdays, we go downstairs to our basketball court area and play a sport for a while. It's always very fun and just a good way to get moving and have fun after a long day. So far, we've played catch, pickleball and volleyball together. I always look forward to playing with my LETs on Tuesdays!
Wednesday and Thursday are my P.E. days! I get to teach gym classes with the first graders. I love P.E. class, and so do the students here. We do all sorts of activities. So far, my students have been learning how to jump rope and have been practicing a lot of different relay races. We also play fun games! I've taught them Sharks and Minnows, Duck Duck Goose, and Cat and Mouse. They love these games!
Finally, Friday is my easiest day. I just have two classes, and they're both Culture classes. It's nice to be able to have a more chill day after a long, busy week!
The last thing I wanted to tell you about was our clean-up time. At 3:30 p.m. every day, all students at the school help to clean up the school for about 20 minutes. All students grab mops or brooms and help sweep classrooms and hallways, take out the trash or do other things to help. The school plays music while they clean. I think it's really cool, and the students usually really like helping out all around the school. Would you like to have this job at the end of every day?
So that's all about my normal school life! Does it sound similar to yours? Different? I think it's a bit of both... we both have English and P.E. classes and maybe learn similar things, but our schedules might be very different. Let me know what you think! Would you like our school day?