English is the main language spoken here. Though, we think the penguins speak "Penguinese!"
The currency on the Ocean Endeavour is U.S. dollars (USD).
A 1.5-liter bottle of water costs $4.00 U.S.
Every meal prepared on the ship was delicious. After we finally made it through the Drake Passage, also known as the "roughest sea in the world," we ate a burger and fries in the calmer waters. This meal was exactly what we needed to recharge!
We were too busy exploring and didn't have time to listen to music.
The most fun we had this week was racing our sea-kayaks through brash ice (small, floating fragments of sea ice) and over small and medium-sized icebergs. We were surrounded by the mountainous, glacial, Antarctic landscapes!
I read "The Frozen Coast: Sea Kayaking the Antarctic Peninsula," a book co-authored by our very own Expedition Leader, Marcus Waters.