Our News

Everything from the soup noodles, to the meat and vegetables inside its broth, meshed well together. It was perfectly seasoned with a spicy kick - just the way I like it. 

What music did I listen to this week?:

I rang in the New Year partying with friends. Of course, music was all around us the entire night. While I danced to favorites from back home (shout out to Cardi B), I also discovered the work of popular Taiwanese rapper Leo Wang. My Chinese skills are not yet developed enough to fully understand all of his words, but I'm hoping that following the hip-hop scene down here can help me pick up a few casual terms here and there. 

What activity was the most fun this week?:

I had a blast throughout most of my Kenting trip, but a definite highlight was visiting the beach for the first time. It was windy and threatened us with light rain the entire time, but that didn't stop us from playing in the sand like children again. The waves were rough and swimming far was a bit unsafe, but we had enough fun trying to battle the huge ripples coming toward us in shallow waters.

What did I read this week?:

Even while abroad, I've been using reading to stay in touch with current events and hot topics back home. I've recently begun reading "Becoming," the autobiography of former first lady Michelle Obama. I highly recommend giving it a read.

What games or sports did I play this week?:

Unfortunately, it's finals week for me here at the University. The most exercise I've been getting has been using my brain to write more papers. 

Other news from this week:

This is my first official week as a Reach the World volunteer!
