The main language spoken in Oviedo is Spanish. Not many people know any other language, but in school students learn English and French. However, I work in schools that are in the mountains around Oviedo. A lot of people that live in the mountains speak a Spanish dialect called Asturiano. It changes the "classic" Spanish a lot. For example, if I wanted to say, "can I have a small snack?" in "classic" Spanish I would say "me das un pincho?" but in Asturiano you say "me das un pinchU?" The people speaking this dialect change the letter "o" to "u" at the end of the word. They do many other things that change the language, but it is a little complicated to understand and explain.
Here we use euros, like all countries that are part of the European Union. They are super simple to use. We have bills for five, ten, and twenty euros and we have coins, just like we do in the USA. The only difference is that we use one and two euro coins whereas in the U.S.A. we have the dollar bill and nothing for two dollars (or at least, two dollar bills are super rare!).