Blini are everywhere in Russia. They are made at stands along the road, in cafes and in homes. You can buy them frozen in the grocery store or eat them fresh off the griddle. They are a staple of Russian cuisine.
Ever since I started learning Russian, blini have been one of my favorite foods. They can be sweet or savory and are filled with everything from Nutella to caviar. In Omsk, I have tried both sweet and savory blini. There are two places to buy blini right across the street from my dormitory, so I have sampled both. The first is an indoor cafe where I bought blini with meat and eggs on the inside. Traditionally, savory blini are supposed to be eaten with sour cream, so I slathered some on top. I also tried the blini at the food stand nearby. There I ordered the blini with chocolate on the inside. Yum!
For me, blini remind me of how I started studying Russian, as well as my parents making pancakes for breakfast on weekends. They are filled with nostalgia for me and I really love eating them when I feel homesick or sad. However, because there are as many flavors as there are feelings, blini are also great for celebration!