As a pre-med student, I often feel that rush, as I feel the need always to do my best in a competitive field. This has often led to me beating myself up if I didn't do as well as I hoped I would, and I became trapped in this cycle where I end up making more mistakes and feeling bad about myself. But my experience in Costa Rica made me realize that this lifestyle and mindset isn’t feasible nor healthy. Pura vida to many Costa Ricans is a reminder that we should live life with a relaxed attitude and that we should brush off the negatives that come our way. To many Costa Ricans, pura vida expresses the idea of living life to the fullest with happiness and optimism. And during my time here, I definitely reflected on this and relaxed, as my appreciation to life, nature, and people grew. Through my conversations with my host mom, professors and the locals, I grew fond of the idea of taking a breather to just take things in. I have learned that things aren’t always meant to work out, and that is okay!
Studying abroad may seem quite far-fetched idea for some people; however, if there’s a chance and opportunity for you to do so, I highly recommend it. Ultimately, when you are studying abroad, you are learning about a whole new culture. When I come back to America, I know I will be missing the random music parading down my street every weekend. I know I will be missing the ability to just walk everywhere without needing a car. And I know for a fact that I will be missing the delicious food and the bright beautiful scenes and creatures that make up my memories of Costa Rica. I never knew that I would be missing out on so much if I hadn't decided on a study-abroad experience.