What advice do you have for a student interested in your industry? What skills are most crucial?
As a new lawyer, you spend most of your time reading and writing, so it is important that you have an interest in these two things. If you have strong technical writing skills, you will be able to become a strong legal writer. While most people think that being a lawyer requires persuasive writing skills, it is actually more important that you are capable of writing in simple and straightforward terms. This is particularly important in patent law, where you are explaining technical issues to people who may not have a technical background, such as a judge or a juror. If you have these skills as a technical writer, you will be able to transfer them over to legal writing.
Who is your biggest inspiration? Beyond the paycheck, why do you continue to wake up and go to work each day?
My biggest inspiration is Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who in addition to being a Supreme Court Justice was a highly skilled trial attorney who convinced the Supreme Court to change many of its precedents before she joined the Court herself. In addition to the patent litigation work I do, my qualifications as an attorney allow me to take on pro bono cases, where I am able to help people who cannot afford an attorney. I love that I can use my skills to improve other’s lives in this way. RBG inspires me to continue to take on these cases in addition to my day-to-day work because she reminds me of how important it is that every single person has a voice in the legal system.
What do you like to do when you are not providing counsel on important patents? Pages