Elephants and Spiders

How did I feel when I saw it?:

When I saw the elephant, I was truly amazed! I have seen pictures of these majestic animals, but seeing them in person is a completely different experience. Having the chance to interact with them so closely, I was able to observe just how smart and playful they are. These animals are also incredibly well-trained as long as they have plenty to eat. They truly love being fed, and it seems as if they can eat forever. I couldn't get out of my head that they truly resemble some sort of dinosaur!

Having the chance to see such large spiders was a bit intimidating, but also exciting. I have seen large spiders, but the ones located in these jungles were truly massive. I was not expecting to see such exotic spiders.  And they were beautiful! These spider's patterns and webs were extremely intricate and an amazing shade of gold.

Where does it live?:

As you travel throughout Thailand, you can find elephants rather often, most often in captivity. These domesticated elephants are essentially the pets of people. Throughout the region, there are many farms and sanctuaries that treat these huge and beautiful animals in an ethical way. However, there are also some human institutions that do not treat these creatures with respect and a sense of responsibility. While the elephants can be found with humans, the spiders and tigers are usually found in the jungle, in large areas of natural vegetation that they call home.

How does it use its environment to survive?:

I have yet to see any truly wild elephants. However, it appeared that the elephants that I did see have owners that provide them with an environment where they can thrive comfortably.
