Thailand is a very exotic country, and some of its most exciting animals can be found throughout human-inhabited territories as well as in jungle areas. Throughout my time trekking throughout the mountains, I had the chance to interact with beautiful elephants, see massive spiders, and even hear cool stories about the majestic yet dangerous tiger.
Elephants are huge animals, with leather-like skin, bright ivory tusks, a very strong and long trunk, floppy ears and really large feet that only reminds me of those of a Brachiosaurus.
During the course of my time trekking through the mountains, I had the chance to encounter some of the largest spiders I have ever seen! Many of these spiders were Nephila spiders, or golden silk orb-weaving spiders. These spiders had very vibrant colors and intricate webs of a golden hue, and they're found throughout the jungle.
Another animal that our guide continuously spoke about was the tiger. Although we did not have a chance to see one because these animals are extremely smart and can evade humans well because of their strong smell, he confirmed that they are present throughout the national park where we trekked. Unfortunately, this animal is nearly extinct and there are only about 300 in total that remain in the area.