Within Thai and much of Asian culture, most of the methods of transportation are a bit more convenient and relaxed in comparison to the Western world. This can be seen in the abundant use of mopeds and the lax traffic laws.
Many of the locals travel via moped, which are motorized bicycles that are smaller than motorcycles. Some of the locals have cars and trucks, but because these vehicles are a bit more expensive, fewer people own these in comparison to mopeds. Another very common form of commuting is by way of the red trucks. Red trucks are red pick-up trucks that have large covers over the back that will provide you a ride for about 30 baht, depending on where you want to go. 30 baht is equivalent to one U.S. dollar, which is extremely affordable, especially for someone with American dollars. I truly wish we had this kind of transportation in America. There is also an official app called Grab, which is the Uber of Asian countries. It allows you to call vehicles such as a motorbike, red truck or a van. Although you can call for one of these vehicles on this app, most people have a motorbike or call a red truck down on the street to obtain a better price.