Mopeds, Red Trucks & Tuk-Tuks

Finally, tuk-tuks provide yet another mode of transportation, and one which is especially attractive to "Farangs" (foreigners).  I have yet to find out exactly what a tuk-tuk is, but from what I have seen, it is just a three-wheeled motorbike that fits a few individuals. This form of transportation is much more expensive than other modes of transportation. For example, taking a tuk-tuk is priced normally at 150 baht, while riding a red truck costs 30 baht. Many foreigners are attracted to this way of commuting because it is such a foreign and unique way of transportation. Overall, there are various different kinds of transportation available in the cities of Thailand, and because of this, travel is always extremely accessible to help you find your way around the city.

How did I feel when I tried this way of getting around?:

I was extremely attracted to the red truck method of commuting and getting around the city. I have an extreme passion for bargaining, and this behavior of finding and bargaining for the cost of a red truck truly excites me. In addition, it is extremely convenient and always accessible, which solidified my love for the red trucks. In most cases, I use a red truck at least once a day. I feel very comfortable with the process of finding and riding one and am certain that this will be my predominant form of transportation. I have also ridden on the back of a motorbike, which I find exhilarating and enjoyable. 

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

These ways of commuting are definitely rooted in the cultures of Asian countries, which are highly populated.
