How does a typical Colombian kid get to school? Are they allowed to go to school by themselves?:
Schools have less strict rules in Colombia than in the U.S. Many students from 3rd grade or above walk to and from school. Others are brought to school on foot or by car by older family members. Many kids are brought to and from school by bus.
Where does a typical Colombian kid eat lunch? What is their favorite food?:
Like in the U.S., students usually eat in cafeterias. However, students usually aren't given full lunch. Instead, they have many snacks throughout the day.
What language does a typical Colombian kid speak at school? How does a typical Colombian kid say "Hello" in his/her language?:
Students in Bogotá and the Amazons differ in which languages they are learning. To start, students in Bogotá learn all of their subjects in Spanish, though most have a period of English instruction a week. In contrast, students in the Amazons tend to study Spanish in addition to indigenous languages spoken by their community, such as the language Tikuna. To say, "Hello, how are you?" while in Bogotá students say, "Hola, cómo está?" in the Amazons students say, "Ñuxacü i guxūma?" Try to pronounce that!
What are some common kids' names at your school?:
Surprisingly, I found kids' names to be pretty similar at both schools in Bogotá and the Amazons! For example, in both schools that I visited, I met students named Camilo, Sebastian, and Natalia, which are all typical Colombian names.
What subjects does a typical Colombian kid study in school, and what are some favorites?: