Lyon to Chamonix is 140 miles! That sounds really far, but it was really easy to get there. Planes, trains and cars are always wonderful options, especially for traveling cheaply around Europe. Trains are comfortable, fast, and usually have amenities, such as wi-fi, to help you make the most of your journey. Some trains even have overnight cabins where you can sleep in a bed while you travel to your destination! Have you ever taken the train to a place outside of New York?
I think I've traveled around 4,000 miles already, and it's only my third week here! I can't believe I have been able to do this much in such a short time.
In order to get to Chamonix, we took a four hour bus ride each way (it would have only been two and a half hours by car). The last hour or so of the ride was definitely my favorite though, because the mountains appeared to be growing taller around us as we got higher and higher. By the time, we made it to the village, I felt like we were in the clouds already.