Germany is known around the world for its fabulous train system. The Deutsche Bahn, which is the largest railway company in Germany, helps commuters and visitors get around Germany in an efficient and scenic manner. For shorter, local trips, the public transportation within cities in Germany is also excellent. When I'm at home in California, I usually drive a car to get to where I need to go. I don't have a car here in Dresden, but I find the public transportation options so good that I don't even miss my car!
In this Field Note, I will help you get to know the many transportation options available here in Dresden, and share with you my experience getting around the city via public transportation.
People in Dresden have many different public transportation options to choose from. For shorter trips within the city of Dresden, you can take the tram or the bus. In German, the word for "tram" is Straßenbahn (strah-sen-bahn) and the word for "bus" is very easy to remember: it's Bus (booh-s). There are many tram and bus stops around the city, and you can simply wait on the sidewalk for the tram or bus. There are also often light-up signs that tell riders when the next bus or tram is coming. Many people here also like to bike when traveling shorter distances.