Hong Kong is home to some of the world's tallest skyscrapers and over seven million people. That's almost as many people as New York City. While it has a reputation for its urban sprawl, it, surprisingly, has a great deal of undeveloped land as well. It's in those undeveloped portions that I have come to realize how different Hong Kong is from the United States. I've seen tropical spiders the size of my fist, monkeys and even wild boars!
The creature I want to focus on is the wild boar, also called the wild pig or feral pig. Feral means a wild animal that is the descendant of a domesticated animal species, in this case, the pig. Boars look a lot like they do at home. They are dark-furred animals that walk on four legs. They are roughly the size of a dog, and have snouts similar to those of domestic pigs.
The first time I saw one was on campus late at night, and I was quite stunned. The boar appeared out of nowhere and calmly trotted across the road before jumping into some bushes on the far side and disappearing. It was not something I was expecting to see!