I traveled 25 minutes away to the townships, which are the poorer parts of Cape Town.
I have traveled one hour to the Cape of Good Hope last week. The Cape of Good Hope is the most southern-western point on the African continent, so I felt a bit grand standing there!
Mostly via uber, as this has been the most reliable and quick form of transport here. Otherwise I just walk, as it is fun to explore a new place in this way. I usually come across new things and get distracted from going to my original destination when I set out on foot.
The contrast between the bustling metropolitan life of Cape Town and the shacks of the townships is jarring, and induced a lot of reflection for me. I went to the townships to talk to high school students about why they should pursue science. Opportunity is something that these kids do not have a lot of. They are all capable of achieving great things, but due to the racist history of South Africa and systematic inequality in general, these kids are left disadvantaged.