Read on to learn about what beautiful sights in nature that I found in the cities of Valencia and Albarracin!
In Valencia, there are orange trees everywhere! No one here in Valencia picks the oranges from Valencia. If you're picking the oranges, you are most likely a tourist. The leaves are so green and the oranges are so fresh and tasty. I only know because of the orange juice I order from the restaurants! I never pick them!
The city of Albaraccin looks like a winter fairytale kingdom! It looked amazing! It's about an hour and half away from Valencia, to the north. There was so much snow, and my friends and I had a snowball fight. It was really cold, too, but definitely not as cold as Alaska! People do not go ice fishing here like you all do, but it is still pretty cold here, at least to me!
In Valencia was so impressed when I saw the orange trees because if I saw a tree filled with oranges, I would have immediately picked all of them and taken them home! I would have picked them if no one had told me that only tourists pick them.
In the city, Albaraccin, I loved seeing the awesome colors of the buildings. When I return home, I want to paint my room and house those colors. It's so beautiful!