class." He places his pointer finger on his chin and stops to think. "Hmmm, there’s more. Science, 科技制作 (kejizhizuo: a hands-on science class),英语活动 (yingyu huodong: English activities),经典阅读 (jingdian yuedu: a class focused on Chinese classics),课外阅读 (kewai yuedu: outside reading),少先队活动 (shaoxaindui huodong: student activities),书法 (shufa: calligraphy)... I think there’s more. There’s a lot of class, but 英语活动 is my favorite."
You have a lot of classes. What is your homework like?
"We have a lot of homework. It’s very hard! So hard! I finish my homework at 8:00 or 9:00 p.m., or maybe 10:00 p.m.! It takes me at least two hours every night!"
What kind of homework do you have?
"There’s a lot of writing. We have to practice writing characters and answer questions. But you can read whatever you want."
"I eat and eat." Jaydan says, laughing.
Do you play with your friends?
"No, we don’t have time!" He seems shocked at just the thought of it.
Haha, okay what is your favorite game then?
"大富翁 (dafuweng). It's called 'Monopoly' in English."
"李白 (LiBai)."
What does he do?
"He wrote poems a long long time ago. I learned about him in 经典阅读课 (jingdian yuedu ke, class focused on Chinese classics)."