It was a bright and sunny spring day, so I decided to leave home early for school to take a long walk. I usually wear headphones and listen to music as I walk to school, but today I didn’t because I could hear all of the sounds around me. I listened to the birds chirp and the wind rustle the tree branches. I felt like I was on a movie set!
My glorious day was about to get a little messier. I felt something small hit my shoulder. I glanced over at my shoulder expecting to find an insect, but instead, I found a small circle of white. It was poop! A bird had pooped on me! A lady walking behind me saw what happened and told me it was a sign of good luck. I did not feel lucky though. Have you ever been pooped on by a bird? Did it make you feel lucky? What events does your family think bring them luck?
Still shocked by the event, I wanted to find the bird suspect. Unfortunately, I was not able to find the bird, but it did cause me to start inspecting the tree I was standing underneath. The tree was unlike many trees I had seen before. It was interesting, so I decided to investigate.