Transportation in Lusaka

A bus here looks like a 15-passenger van that we would have in the states. However, we were advised by the U.S. Embassy in Lusaka to avoid the buses because they can be unsafe. The buses are made for 12 to 15 people, but as many as 20 people could be on the bus at one time. They also drive dangerously sometimes. This could include things like turning around in the middle of the highway or not stopping at a red light. 

How did I feel when I tried this way of getting around?:

In the beginning, it was a little awkward. I use a car in the U.S., and I drive myself most times. I have not driven a car in Lusaka, and I have been here for over five months. I had to adjust to relying on someone else to drive me everywhere I want to go. It was also difficult because of the language barrier. Since I am Black, a lot of the drivers would try to talk to me in Nyenja (an official language of Zambia). I had no idea what they were saying, so I would have to tell them I speak English. Luckily, most of them also speak English. Even though it was uncomfortable in the beginning, I am used to it now. 

Is this way of getting around connected to the culture and environment, How?:

Lusaka is a huge city with millions of residents. This makes cars a necessity. Without a car or access to a driving service, it would be nearly impossible to get around the city. 

Lusaka, Zambia
Location Data:
POINT (28.2773267 -15.4154677)
