Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

This week, I traveled to Kenting, which is on the south coast at the very bottom of Taiwan. I took a two-hour train and a two-hour bus ride to get there. In Taiwan, I'm not able to drive, but if I could, it would be about a five-hour drive! That's almost the amount of time to drive from Dayton to Chicago!

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

 So far, I have traveled quite a bit on this journey. My flight from Chicago to Taipei was 15 hours! That's about 7,500 miles. That's like putting over 13 million football fields side by side. 

During my time in Taiwan, I have traveled to quite a few places. Here's a fun fact: Taiwan is an island, and it's about the size of the state of Massachusetts! 

Last weekend, I traveled to Kenting, which is on the south coast at the very bottom of Taiwan. That distance is about a five-hour drive.

I've also traveled to a place called Sun Moon Lake, in the middle of Taiwan, which is about a two-hour drive. Lastly, I've been to a few different towns in North Taiwan, which are each about a one-hour bus ride away. 

How did I get around this week?:

This week, I have used the MRT, which is a subway train, to get around! Every day, I take the MRT train to school from my apartment on the Brown Line. It is usually about a 25-minute trip. 
