I ended up traveling for quite a long time. Hwacheon and Gwangju are 335 miles apart from each other, and I expected a one-way journey to take anywhere from five to seven hours depending on how quickly I could transfer buses. Unfortunately, I didn't end up taking into account the extra traffic due to the long weekend and ended up traveling for almost 11 hours before reaching Gwangju!
Gwangju was the last major city that I had been hoping to visit in Korea, so I was really excited to finally get to visit! I'm glad I've gotten to see so much of Korea during my time here. Over the next few weeks, I'm hoping to revisit some of my favorite spots and potentially see new sites in these now more familiar places.
This week I took a lot of buses and taxis. I used the buses to travel longer distances between cities and towns. Since I was traveling with friends and taxis are relatively affordable in Korea, we decided to take taxis while traveling within the city of Gwangju during the day.