Update from the Middle of the Ocean

We are all so grateful to be able to do this and raise money for our amazing charities. This thought keeps us going, because it has been really tough at times. We are learning a lot about ourselves and each other, especially when one of us is finding it hard one day. Some quizzes, riddles and messages from home have all been so important.

Ali, Aaby and Nic have all become radio stars. They have been doing some interviews with different radio stations form the boat, and it has been so good to hear a different voice full of happiness from dry land. The calls to our team members Alex and Hugo every day include updates on the weather, our progress and how we are doing against other teams. Plus, just catching up and asking what they have done in life has added some much-needed normality. We did all call home for Christmas and, as much as we missed everyone, it is really cool to be in our little boat, too.

Ali has become the barnacle hunter, scraping off hundreds of little shells from the bottom of the boat. Izzy fixed the oar gate (which broke in stormy weather conditions) which she was proud of because it is still going strong. She still hates hanging out her laundry, even a few pairs of socks and T-shirts once a week. We have reorganized and cleaned the boat as we gradually eat our food, ready to be as fast as possible in the strong weather (when it comes).

We have all been surprised by the number of flying fish! Izzy alone has been hit by flying fish four times, but there were no fish-related injuries.

The hand blisters are slowly creeping in. In order to ease the pain, we we wear mini gloves.
