Xime's Life as a Costa Rican Kid

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

She studies English, Spanish, French, Math, and Science. Science is her favorite!

What is your homework like?:

Xime says her homework is "long and tedious"; pretty much the same as any kid's homework in the U.S.! 

What do you like to do after school? Do you have a favorite sport or game?:

Xime likes to chat with her friends after school, then come home and watch Netflix and YouTube videos. She watches a mix of U.S. TV shows and novelas, which are Spanish drama shows. She loves sports, like basketball and soccer, and theater. 

Who is your favorite famous person?:

Xime loves musical theater. She named actors and music composers from Broadway musicals. She also loves Freddy Mercury from the band "Queen." 

What kinds of music do you listen to?:

Xime brightened up when I asked this question. She said, "I love '80s music, the stuff that my dad plays. I also love musical theater, and listen to the soundtracks to Hamilton and the Newsies." She pretty much just listens to music in English! 

What would you like to be when you grow up?:

Xime wants to be a lawyer or an art therapist. She loves art and helping people, but is also very passionate and likes to make a good argument. 

If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?:

Xime said she would love to go to Greece because "the sea and the culture, it seems beautiful and amazing!" She believes Greece would be very different from Costa Rica, "from the language to the food to the scenery!"
