As I ride my motorbike through Can Tho every day, I marvel at all that goes on around me. From the motorbikes stacked with more stuff than I could fit into a car, to the massive floating markets along the Mekong River, I regularly see these incredible sights. While I’ve grown accustomed to the majority of aspects of daily life, I still sometimes catch myself having to stop and stare at something I find truly remarkable. It’s those kinds of awe-inspiring moments that get me to remind myself that I'm in a very special place.
I can vividly recall my first couple days here, how unsure I was about everything I was doing. Those anxious feelings are thankfully long gone now, and I’ve settled into a routine that’s filled with teaching, socializing, exercising, eating, and much, much more. I’ve found a nice balance between being familiar with a lot of places around town and frequently going out of my way to discover new things. It’s important to form habits you enjoy and stick with them, but it’s also fun and engaging to continually learn about new aspects of your city.