Feria (fairs) such as this one, take place in many towns and cities in Spain, including Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla, Granada and many other smaller towns. The Feria de Tomelloso (the Tomelloso fair) is a one week long extravaganza of carnival rides, food, games, prizes and fun! What surprised me was that all the stores in town were closed for the week just for the feria. I tried going to the gym for Zumba and there was no fitness classes due to the feria. I found it so interesting that a town would stop all activities, work, physical recreation and shopping, in order for the citizens to get together and celebrate their culture.
The Feria of Tomelloso is celebrated every year in honor of La Virgen de los Viños (the Virgen of the Wines), to celebrate the end of the summer with a focus of that particular town. The town of Tomelloso celebrates this festival because the people believe it is important to take a break from work and to spend good times with their friends and family. It is common for the entire family to gather and have dinner at the feria at least one of the nights of the festive week. They eat their traditional foods from the feria. My favorite food I tired at the feria was called Pincho de moruno, (moorish skewers), which involved chicken marinated in yellow colored seasoning on a skewer.
It is also common for all the younger people to party, eat, and dance all seven nights at the feria. The biggest day of the week is La Cena de la Gala, (the dinner gala), where you wear your best gown and have the most expensive meal of the week!