Travel News

How far did I travel this week?:

Luckily, the island of Ibiza is really close to Barcelona. In fact, if you were able to fly like a bird, you would only have to travel 175 miles from my apartment in Barcelona to this beautiful island. That’s less than the distance between Tualatin and Seattle! This means that the airplane flight is only about 30 minutes long.

How far have I traveled on this journey so far?:

This trip to Ibiza was my first time traveling since arriving to Barcelona a month ago. (I still can’t believe that I got here a whole month ago!) So, I haven’t traveled too much farther since my last Logbook! However, this week I was also able to sneak in an overnight trip to Madrid for a Fulbright event! In total, this week I traveled from Barcelona to Ibiza (175 miles), Ibiza to Madrid (293 miles), and lastly from Madrid to Barcelona (313 miles). This makes for about three hours and 15 minutes of flight time, in addition to the 14 hours I spent flying to Spain!

How did I get around this week?:

Like I mentioned, I did a lot of air travel this week. In addition, we also got around the island mostly by driving. This was my first time in a car since I arrived to Barcelona a month ago! When was the last time you were in a car? I bet it less than a month ago! In the US, people often drive a lot more than in Europe. This is because many cities in Europe have such great public transportation.
