Being Czech in 2018

What do you like to do in your free time?:

In my free time I like hiking and cycling around Lanškroun. I spend a lot of time with my family and my son. Matouš really likes mushroom hunting and so when the weather is good for it, we will go into the forest and look for mushrooms. 

What language(s) do you speak? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

I speak Czech, English and German. In Czech we say hello in two ways, ahoj is informal and dobry den is a more formal greeting.

Do you have pets?:

Yes, I have a cat named Glum which is the character from The Hobbit with the big eyes, but the name is in Czech. I think its Gollum or Smeagol in English, right? Yes. 

Have you traveled? Where have you traveled to?:

I have traveled to places near the Czech Republic like Kraków, Poland and we go hiking in Slovakia. Some of my family is in Germany, so we go there when we can. In the summers for the past few years, our family vacation has been in Tunisia and Egypt in northern Africa.

What do you do for work?:

I teach English and geography at the veterinary school, but I also do private lessons for German. I used to be a German teacher, but English is required in the Czech Republic.

Is there anything else you would like to say to students in the United States?:

Hello! I have not visited your country but one day I would like to. It looks very beautiful and I love to learn about the different places and holidays in America. Also, good luck in school and study hard!
