Eating My Way Through Spain


When it comes to food, I'm what the Spanish call tiquismiquis (my new favorite word), which means "picky." I've always had a hard time trying new foods, which is a difficult challenge when studying abroad. It's even harder for me because I'm also vegetarian, and the Spanish love their Iberian ham, fish (baccalao) and seafood (especially paella.) I've had to push myself really far outside of my comfort zone to try new foods, but with the help of my host family, it's been much easier than I thought and I've even discovered some new favorite foods!

What food did I try?:

I have tried a bunch of new foods in Spain. Funny enough, a lot of the food that I've tried is actually Italian. Spain loves Italian cuisine and so does my host family, so it's what we eat most often. Here are some examples:
