Sevilla to Madrid: 242 miles in Two Hours


There are so many different types of transportation in Spain, and they all depend on where you are. I mostly walk, but I use a lot of trains and metros to get around, too. I tend to walk the most when I'm traveling. In the past four days, I have walked 40 miles!

How do people get around?:

In Sevilla, there are seven main modes of transportation: walking (caminar), car (coche), bike (bicicleta), moped (moto), bus (autobús), scooter (monopatinete) and metro/tram (metro/tranvía), in that order. It's a small enough city that most people live close enough to their school of work and can walk the whole way. For example, I walk to all my classes and it’s about 15-20 minutes. On an average day, I walk around four miles! The only time I take the bus is to get to the airport or train station, and the only time I take the train is to travel further distances. There’s a lot of traffic in Sevilla and one common thing throughout all of Spain, especially southern Spain, is insanely narrow streets. Oftentimes there’s no difference between the road and the sidewalk. I’ve had to jump out of a car’s way so many times! Most small side streets are one-way. There’s also not a lot of parking, so a bunch of people ride bikes and mopeds.
