A Class Eager for English

What language do you speak at school? How do you say "Hello" in your language?:

In school, we only speak Spanish and learn the English language. I would like to learn how to speak French and Italian, too. Hola (Oh-Lah) is how you say hello in Spanish. (Mateo, 11 years old)

What are some common kids' names at your school?:

Common names for the boys are Enrique and Josue but, for the girls there are names like Maria and Emilia. (Joel, 10 years old)

What subjects do you study in school, and which one is your favorite?:

In school, I have reading, writing, math, science and English language classes. My favorite is science because I like to learn about natural life. I really like big animals and extinct animals. We love all of our animals in Ecuador, like the tortugas with the huge shells. (Sebastian and Daniel, both 9 years old)

What is your homework like?:

My homework is like a many pages from a work book and reading. I can never forget to leave my work at home because there is a task everyday. Sometimes I have many tasks on one sheet and sometimes I only have a little. The math problems can take a long time but I can finish my English homework the fastest. (Jasleen, 9 years old)

What do you like to do after school? Do you have a favorite sport or game?:

I like to go home and play with toys or to read. My favorite game is chess and my favorite sport is basketball. I can only play basketball sometimes because we have to be careful in the neighborhood street. (Maria Igracia, 9 years old)
