Morocco's Potential as a Global Example for Sustainable Development

I spoke with the director of the regional directorate of the environment about my organization using the engineering students to research and design the facilities, but instead of sending the trash to Marrakech, we will also create recycling practices in those towns that will create jobs and new uses in these towns to make them stronger and provide more opportunities for the unemployed youth.

Training and workshops are important to educate the public on why these approaches will benefit their communities and also open the dialogue for community participation and feedback on the planning process. My partners and I have applied to a $50,000 project grant to do these workshops throughout the province. We want to connect the existing government plans and the concerned public in the planning process to create more sustainable community plans.

If everything goes well, the workshops and the coinciding capstone project for the engineers will take place over the next year. Inshallah! God-willing!

Tameslouht, Morocco
