Hello third graders!
I am so bummed to be writing my very last blog post to share with your classroom. I have had such an incredible journey here in South Africa and I feel so honored to have had the chance to share my experiences with you. I feel like I only left Minnesota yesterday; at the same time, I feel like I have experienced a lifetime of learning since being in Cape Town. I'm now attending my last few weeks of classes, then I'll take my final exams; before I know it, I'll be on the plane back to Saint Paul, Minnesota, scheduled for June 16th. As I reflect on my many adventures here in South Africa, I want to leave you with a few things I have learned.
1. Knowledge is power, and learning never stops.
When I was growing up, my mom constantly repeated these phrases to me. At the time, I did not quite appreciate them, but as I grew into an adult, I've come to realize that my mom really was right: the more I challenge myself to learn, the more opportunities become available to me. And as silly as it may sound, the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know! I dare you to remain curious and to always ask questions.
2. The world is so very big and diverse.
Now, you and I all know how awesome South Dakota is!